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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Sejarah Kretek di Indonesia

Blog serba serbi informasi kali ini membahas tentang Sejarah Rokok Kretek di tanah air.
Tentu saja buat para netter yang suka merokok.
Langsung saja ke tkp ....
Catatan tentang kapan pastinya penduduk Indonesia mulai merokok belum ada yang tahu pasti. MenurutThomas Stamford Raffles dan De Condolle kebiasaan merokok dan tembakau sudah ada di pulau Jawa sekitar tahun 1600. Dalam buku yang berjudul Rokok Kretek,Lintasan Sejarah dan Artinya Bagi Pembangunan Bangsa dan

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Rokok Rempah Rokok Kesehatan

Hai sobat netter....
Jumpa lagi di blog Serba Serbi Informasi yang sudah lama absen tidak membuat postingan.
Mengisi waktu luang masa karantina dan #DirumahAja, saya akan sedikit mengupas tentang Rokok Herbal, rokok kesehatan.
Lho .... Kok bisa ya ...!?
Bukankah kandungan nikotin dalam tembakau rokok justru tidak bagus untuk kesehatan ?
He he tentu hal demikian menjadi tanda tanya bagi kita semua ....
Tapi jalan salah sobat, nenek moyang kita, mbah, kakek, buyut kita jaman dulu rata rata perokok, anehnya beliau sehat dan berumur panjang.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Free stock SATT

Greetings buddy Netter , 
I invite you to become part of a new opportunity to win money online for free .This is a new application called SATTque will share 100 % of their profits to shareholders .Now in pre-launch , is completely free , and each new record in your network will get more stock , and then you will have a monthly income depending on your stock share .This application is available for all media types and operating systems , and open up a new way to connect to the world . SATT use of mobile phones , tablets , laptops , PCs , TVs , gaming consoles etc ... You will connect with anyone , anytime and anywhere.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

$ 10 Bonus from justbeenpaid

Brief History
The original JustBeenPaid! was launched in 2004. It never really got off the ground and became dormant after a few months.
JBP was relaunched in January, 2010 and has been performing and paying since. The essense of the new JBP was that members could buy referrals. Unfortunately this proved unworkable, because JBP could never satisfy the demand. Some sponsors also objected to giving up some of their referrals being sold to other members.

JSS (JBP's Synergy Surf) was launched during June, 2010. JSS is the "foundation program" that makes the JSS system indefinitely sustainable.

JSS-Booster was launched during August, 2010 as a way to "boost" JSS.

JSS-Warp was launched during October, 2010 as a way to "boost" both JSS-Booster and JSS.

JSS-Tripler was launched in February, 2011 as another way to "boost" JSS. JSS-Tripler quickly became spectacularly successful, effectively becoming the "tail that wags the JBP dog."

Friday, January 13, 2012


Let's Discover the Power of "We"

Hello Global WAZZUB Family
"We are the World's FIRST Profit Sharing Phenomenon"
Win $5,000 in Cash Prizes
Watch our 3 part 9 min.
Webinar for Details
Part I
Part II
Part III
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Welcome to WAZZUB!
The most exciting phenomenon on the Internet


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Obesity and Prostate Health

This time serba serbi informasi with the title of Obesity and Prostate Health.
Over the past 40 years, the rate of obesity has been  exploding in the United States. A massive 65% of adults in the us were classified as overweight or obese, with a body mass index over the accepted normal of 25,. More disturbing is the 31% of children who are classified as overwight or obese.
Since 40% of  Americans do not exercise regularly, there seems to be little hope of this changing in the near future. This dangerous combination of increased food consumption and decreased physical activity has taken a tragic toll on Americans and has resulted in increased rates of a multitude of diseases, particularly diabetes. It is literally a major health crisis looming over America, adding to an already stained healthcare system. Obesity is also bloating healthcare cost, making healthcare in the us among the most expensive in the world.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

xSky More Effective than Email

xSkymore Effective than Email by serba Serbi Informasi for you.

Everyone is talking about this new software called xSky!

What can YOU do with xSky?
With the power of xSky you can send out broadcasts to your
entire Skype list with a push of a button!
You can better organize your list in an easy way.
You can use the groups that you are in Skype in a more effective way.
You can build a big responsive Skype list fast!
xSky provides a way for marketers to get their advertisement
read by new people

Monday, July 11, 2011

iPaymu.com Pembayaran Online Indonesia

Kali ini blog serba serbi informasi  sedikit mengulas tentang iPaymu.com Pembayaran Online Indonesia.
Sebelum melanjutkan postingan ini, sebaiknya kita tahu apa itu iPaymu.com ?
iPaymu merupakan Payment Gateway Processor yang merupakan bagian dari PT. IPAYMU Indonesia Emas.
Jadi jelaslah sudah bahwa iPaymu adalah Payment Processor ( bahasa udiknya yaitu Bank Online/internet ) sama  halnya kepunyaan orang luar sana seperti PayPal, Alertpay, LR dan lainnya, bahkan ada yang lahir tahun kemaren dan sampai sekarang masih freelaunch dan masih tanda tanya, yaitu virtapay.
iPaymu menawarkan solusi pembayaran online. Bauran produk yang meliputi fungsi e-commerce untuk perdagangan ritel. 
iPaymu memiliki tools terintegrasi ke e-commerce yang di butuhkan sebagai alat pembayaran secara online, dengan debit card, kredit card, bahkan penarikan uang dan pengiriman uang.
iPaymu.com Pembayaran Online Indonesia yang notabene karya anak bangsa ini patut diacungi jempol, karena iPaymu.com ini melayani pembayaran secara online, dari pembayaran menggunakan kartu debit, kartu kredit hingga memiliki fungsi untuk menarik dan mengirim uang.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Easy Money

Easy Money by serba serbi informasi.
I recently have seen more and more sites out there claiming you can make hundreds a day doing online surveys. Right!

The REAL TRUTH is most are scams and give you bogus or outdated information.  I had actually signed up for one of these a few months back and was very disappointed to say the least.  Oh yeah, and I made zero dollars.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mari Berkomunitas di Faceblog

Mari Berkomunitas di Faceblog itulah tema yang dibahas di blog serba serbi informasi kali ini.
Apa itu faceblog ?
Mari Berkomunitas di faceblog adalah tempat nongkrongnya para blogger. Sebagai blogger indonesia sudah seharusnya ikut mengajak Mari berkomunitas di faceblog
Karena Faceblog adalah forum komunitas para blogger Indonesia yang bahasa kulonnya "Indonesian  Blogger Community", namun bukan berarti hanya para blogger saja yang bergabung disini.
Faceblog secara umum sama dengan facebook yang sudah terkenal dipenjuru dunia, bahkan mempunyai beberapa kelebihan yang tidak ada di facebook.
Jika di facebook bisa upload photo, video, bikin group, kirim surat, aplikasi dll, maka di faceblog juga ada bahkan ada follow kayak di twitter, yang lebih keren lagi bisa upload lagu kesayangan  dihalaman profil kita seperti diblog ane ini ( he he bangga dikit ni ye... !). Namun... yang paling utama adalah bikinan putra bangsa, yang seharusnya kita dukung agar kita bisa terkenal dimata dunia.
Jika anda merasa bangsa Indonesia maka seharusnya anda bergabung bersama komunitas faceblog  di http://faceblog.web.id, jika malas ngetiknya maka klik aja disini

Monday, May 9, 2011


This time, the blog discusses serba serbi informasi affiliate with payspree

 If you sell digital products online you are no doubt aware of the two most popular affiliate networks, ClickBank and PayDotCom.

While both of these are great and I highly recommend each of them, today I came across a brand new service that really caught my attention. It's called PaySpree and the reason it caught my attention is that ALL its members get paid for their sales instantly by PayPal.

Friday, April 1, 2011


You've heard of marketplaces like ClickBank, and others,
selling products, offering affiliates to promote individual
products that they offer - to allow affiliates to earn
unthinkably incomes every single month!

Besides the money... why else do they use these marketplaces?

Simplicity and ease of use!

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