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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

$ 10 Bonus from justbeenpaid

Brief History
The original JustBeenPaid! was launched in 2004. It never really got off the ground and became dormant after a few months.
JBP was relaunched in January, 2010 and has been performing and paying since. The essense of the new JBP was that members could buy referrals. Unfortunately this proved unworkable, because JBP could never satisfy the demand. Some sponsors also objected to giving up some of their referrals being sold to other members.

JSS (JBP's Synergy Surf) was launched during June, 2010. JSS is the "foundation program" that makes the JSS system indefinitely sustainable.

JSS-Booster was launched during August, 2010 as a way to "boost" JSS.

JSS-Warp was launched during October, 2010 as a way to "boost" both JSS-Booster and JSS.

JSS-Tripler was launched in February, 2011 as another way to "boost" JSS. JSS-Tripler quickly became spectacularly successful, effectively becoming the "tail that wags the JBP dog."

During August, 2011 our server crashed because of traffic overwhelm. Because JBP was written in the Ruby programming language and running under the FreeBSD operating system -- and our chief programmer at the time was available for only 1-2 hours a week, we had no practical choice other than temporary shutting down the system and rewriting JBP. At the same time, we moved to larger offshore servers.

In September, 2011 a simplified JBP came back online (programmed in PHP), with the buying of referrals eliminated. A "partial Restart" was done -- see JSS-Tripler Restart Feature (RSF) FAQ. A plan of systematically activating parts of JBP in a sensible sequence was followed.

On October 26th, 2011, total JSS payouts exceeded $5,000,000!

The best way to get going with JBP/JSS, once you've joined JBP, is to start with JSS-Tripler, because it's the easiest part of the JBP system to make money with. Follow these steps:

  • Log into your JBP account.

  • Click "JSS" in your JBP member area.

  • Click "Click Here to Go Directly to the Five JSS Programs."

  • Under "JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS)," click "Click Here" to access your JSS account.

  • Follow the instructions to fund your JSS account.

On the "JSS Access Area" page -- the one you get to when you click "JSS" in your JBP member area -- under "JSS-Tripler," click "Click Here" to access your JSS-Tripler account.

  • Transfer funds from your JSS account to your JSS-Tripler account.
  • Buy JSS-Tripler positions.
  • Observe your positions earn 2% every day.

Starting with this experience, you can proceed to learn more about the rest of the JBP system, particularly JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS).


A number of important breakthroughs help to make the JBP system -- particularly JSS-Tripler -- so successful:

-JSS-Tripler provides "instant gratification" to our members. You can see your 2% earnings added to your account every day.
-The JSS-Tripler/JSS combination makes JSS-Tripler "indefinitely sustainable."
-An essential part of the "sustainability breakthrough" is called "DAMM" (Double Asset Money Multiplier).
-As a JBP member, many potential breakthroughs are available to you through learning and applying our products -- "Upgrade Your Brain," the "Big Success Breakthrough," and "Killer Success Tricks", -- particularly once you discover how to earn Compound Interest on Your Life.
-The combination of breakthroughs makes it very easy for "98%ers" (people who usually struggle to make money online) to finally succeed online. The breakthroughs also enable more proficient members to generate substantial earnings, as can be seen from our Blog.

Growth Statistics

JustBeenPaid! (JBP) can be regarded as a General-Purpose Downline Builder. It can be utilized to make more money with practically any other program, product, or service -- particularly once we've implemented our Surf Module, which you can use to advertise. JBP can be used as a Catalyst to accelerate your moneymaking.
People are joining JBP in droves. The Alexa traffic chart (left) provides an indication of JBP's popularity. If the chart goes above 20,000 and stays there, it would indicate that JBP is among the top 20,000 websites worldwide, in terms of visitor accesses.

To get an idea of how popular JBP is in various parts of the world, please examine this JBP Alexa Chart. If you look at the list of countries on this chart, and click "More," you'll see something like the table below, right
to get an idea of JBP's "web presence," Google: "justbeenpaid" and "jss-tripler."
Why is JBP so popular? Because it solves the problem of the 98% or so of wannabe online moneymakers who typically enjoy little or no success. It solves their problem because it's so easy to make money with JSS-Tripler!

The "Upgrade Your Brain" page is available to free members. This page provides powerful technology people can use to quickly upgrade their brains so they can become more successful. This page opens the door to many additional ways to market JBP, as explained in the Marketing FAQ. See also Marketing Essentials -- the Challenge! and Offline Marketing.

The "Big Success Breakthrough" (BSB) is a JBP1 product. BSB identifies the most basic reason people fail to make money online and provides great solutions.

"Killer Success Tricks #1-7" is the JBP2 product. It includes "JBP's Leapfrog Course," which enables people to make a "quantum leap to a higher orbit of competence, effectiveness, and success!"

On 10/16/11, "Value the Website" valued JustBeenPaid.com at $1,067,015 -- JustBeenPaid.com value.

JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS)

JSS can be regarded as the "foundation program" on which the JBP system is built. Whereas JSS-Tripler is a shortterm moneymaker, JSS is our longterm moneymaker. See Synergy Surf FAQ.

For JSS-Tripler, the company has obligations to pay members 2% per day. These obligations are liabilities. For JSS, the obligations to cycle positions and earn $60 when they cycle, are essentially the members' obligations. (The system helps JSS positions cycle more quickly -- Placements and Cycling JSS Positions More Quickly -- but ultimately it's up to members to cycle their JSS positions.)

On average, for a JSS position to cycle, 4 new positions at a cost of $20 each need to be added. In other words, $80 need to come in before $60 is paid out. So each JSS positions can be regarded as an asset potentially worth $60 to a member, while also being an asset potentially worth $20 to the company.

The "Restart Feature" (RSF) enables the company to periodically convert some of its JSS-Tripler liabilities into JSS assets!

Get bonus $10


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